Threading The Needle: Cotton Sewing Thread

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Sewing is an important craft when it comes to joining fabric, leather or other materials together. In addition to sewing being important to the crafting of various products, sewing is utilized to add various accessories to the crafted products.

Those added accessories that can be added on can include buttons, sequins, lacey frills, etc. One of the common threads used to add on these accessories is cotton sewing thread.

Cotton sewing thread is a commonly used thread for a number of reasons. Some of those reasons include its qualities and its durability.

The Qualities Of Cotton Sewing Thread

The choice of sewing thread to sew together pieces of fabric cut from a pattern is dependent upon the fabric chosen. For example, if an individual is using polyester fabric it is important to utilize polyester sewing thread. This is because polyester is a synthetic fabric that has a bit of elasticity to it. Therefore, if a thread is used to sew polyester fabric together and does not have the same elastic quality, then the material may tear apart.

Additionally, the same premise would be true if an individual was constructing a leather hat or vest. It would be important to use the same type of sewing thread. That type of thread to bind a leather creation together would be leather sewing thread.

Using cotton sewing thread follows along the same lines. This is because cotton sewing thread is a very strong and durable thread. In addition, it does not have a lot of give and take to it.

Therefore, if sewing pieces of fabric together that do not have any give to them it is important to use the same type of thread. That thread of choice would be cotton sewing thread.

Other Uses Of Cotton Sewing Thread

Because of the durability of cotton sewing thread, this type of thread can be used to bind together a variety of garments and accessories. For instance because of its strength it is one of the threads of choice for sewing on buttons. This is because buttoning and unbuttoning garments can be a process that eventually will cause the buttons to loosen or fall off the garment. Therefore, the strength of cotton sewing thread will add to continual placement of the button.

Also, cotton sewing thread can be used on more delicate garments. An example of a more delicate garment that may be sewn together using cotton thread is lingerie or other finer garments.


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