Portable Sewing Tables Make The Most of Limited Space

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Portable sewing tables have become much more common and more available as more manufacturers have entered the sewing furniture field. This is good news all the way around for the hobbyist and the serious seamstress. Unless sewing is your job, which you can do from your home, you have to fit your sewing into your life. While a beautiful antique sewing table can add beauty to your home, and functionality to your sewing space, too often space limitations interfere. A portable sewing table can be your answer and not as much trouble as you imagine.

Advantages Of A Portable Sewing Table

Portable sewing tables brings immediately to mind the portable furniture that has been sold in the past. You remember the metal wood-look shelves that managed to bend the second you put anything real on them. If these are your experiences with portable furniture you are in for a nice surprise with the portable sewing table. First of all, it really is portable and easy to move, as it comes with wheels. So when its folded up and stood on its end, where the wheels are, its easy to move. No lugging it or trying to walk it across the floor, with the wheels you just slide it where it needs to go. Its designed to stand on end or lie flat with a footprints which is incredibly small. Standing on end its only going to take up about six inches by 3 feet of floor space, the rest is going vertical. That means in can store in a closet on its end or store under a bed while lying flat.

The portable sewing table has another wonderful feature, it is designed with the inset space so that your sewing machine sits into the table leaving a nice flat surface to sew upon. This means that your arms and shoulders are in the correct ergonomic position to minimize physical stress from the sewing.

Did you try and use those metal shelves we talked about earlier, and discover that they bend if you place books on them. They were held together with these little clips that you couldn’t buy anywhere, and they folded under too much weight. Unfortunately, almost all weight was too much. This is not the case with a new portable sewing table, they are constructed from real heavy duty plastic tops and solid pipe metal folding legs. This is not going to crumple under normal use and most heavy-duty use. I assume if you intend to try and damage it severely it would be possible, it most usually is.

A portable sewing table is not too heavy to move easily. If you cannot have the table and sewing machine set up at all times, to take advantage of those free minutes, at least you are not in for a physically demanding ordeal to become ready. This weight issue has also become much more relevant in the last year as shipping costs have risen meteorically.

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